The GSD Scrum Funnel Illustrates the GSD Method
We want you to feel confident you have the tools and mindset to succeed in your agile transition and/or to become better at scrum. That’s why we wrote the GSD Scrum Handbook and designed the GSD Scrum Funnel© diagram.
Many people new to agile software development feel like agile is complicated or difficult. In reality, the opposite is true. The agile scrum process is quite simple:
- Break down application into smaller sets of requirements and test criteria called Stories
- Organize those Stories based on priority
- Develop those Stories during time-boxed development cycles called Sprints
- Release completed Stories as new versions of the application
If agile scrum is so simple, then why do people have so much trouble transitioning from traditional methods? Because we tend to make concepts we don’t understand more complicated. Plus, there is a mindset transition that goes along with becoming more agile.

GSD Scrum Funnel
The top half of the GSD Scrum Funnel represents the GSD method for breaking down application features into components, prioritizing those components then organizing a release plan. Once you have a plan, we explain how to write well-groomed Stories and build your first Backlog.
The bottom half of the funnel represents the GSD development and release process. Now that you have a Backlog prioritized to meet your release plan, we show you how to organize for success, then plan for and execute your first sprint. We provide tips and techniques for releasing and building out new versions of the application.
All along the way, we explain concepts and exercises that help you achieve an agile mindset, to enhance your understanding and to increase your team’s chances for meeting your release plan milestones. We even show you how to status report your progress to management.
We hope you enjoy learning the GSD Method.