Why Every Story should have Acceptance Criteria

Why Every Story should have Acceptance Criteria

Better Understand the Purpose of Story and Acceptance Criteria Some who practice scrum believe that acceptance criteria are optional. Others only write a one sentence summary and don’t even bother writing story requirements. These practices could be a recipe for...
Techniques to Increase Sprint Velocity

Techniques to Increase Sprint Velocity

Try Applying these 3 Techniques to Increase Sprint Velocity In agile scrum, we only count closed stories when we calculate velocity. Stories have only 2 statuses at the end of the sprint: 0% or 100% complete. No partial credit for incomplete stories. Many teams refuse...
Can’t Learn Agile from a Book

Can’t Learn Agile from a Book

An Agile Coach Helps with Practical Application Hi, my name is Gerri Slama Grove, and I am the new VP of Operations at GSD Mindset.  I am excited about joining the company and bringing the GSD concepts to the East coast. I have been a project manager for many years...
Write Better Stories

Write Better Stories

The 5 Key Ingredients to Write Better Stories Every time we teach a GSD Scrum Training workshop, one of the most difficult concepts for students to grasp is how to write a story. On the surface, the concept seems quite simple: Describe the user’s functional...
Agile Teams Still Need Traditional Support

Agile Teams Still Need Traditional Support

Scrum is an Agile Development Method Not a Product Management Framework When I talk about agile for business, I’m talking about the need for businesses to apply agile concepts, so they can better meet the needs of an ever-changing worldwide landscape. As you know, I...