The Agile Mindset is a Superpower
If you’re like me and you have an agile mindset, you have a distinct business advantage. Your brain is already wired to take advantage of new opportunities.
Part 2: Does Perfect Scrum Practice Make Perfect?
Since writing Part 1, I’ve made progress in major problem areas. But does perfecting the team’s scrum practice make for perfect software?
Part 1: Sometimes Change is Really, Really Hard
My current client changed to scrum without training or fully understanding the agile method. They have lots of problems. Hopefully, we can fix them.
Why Your Team is Not Agile
Many Scrum Masters feel frustrated when their team is not agile enough or they don’t practice scrum the “right way.” The team’s lack of commitment or poor performance can be traced to 3 root causes.
How Agile Does Your Team Need to be When You First Transition to Scrum?
Is it difficult to get everyone on board with your transition to scrum? Sometimes it’s better to just jump in, do what you can and work out the kinks as you go along.
Ensure Project Success by Getting Formal Commitment from your Extended Team
When you form a new scrum team, you may not get all the desired resources. At GSD Mindset, we propose that when you organize a new scrum team, you should also get commitment from what we refer to as the GSD Extended Team.
Story Identification for Newbies
For those new to Scrum, story identification can seem intimidating. Event modeling is one of my favorite go to methods that get my story writing juices flowing.
How Big is Too Big for a Scrum Team?
A scrum team size of 9 members may be optimal for Scrum, however your project may need a bigger team to complete all the required work on time.
A Spike Story Should Get Story Points Too
A Spike Story is written when the team has to conduct research before moving forward. Spikes should get Story Points too. Here’s why.